A data.frame of years and months of Grids & Datums column publications by country and country code.
A data frame with 241 observations on the following 4 variables.
name of PE&RS column
issue month
publication year
ISO code for country
The journal Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing, run by the American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ASPRS), began publishing a more-or-less monthly column on the spatial reference systems used in different countries, including their datums. The column first appeared in September 1997, and continued until March 2016; subsequent columns are updated reprints of previous ones. Some also cover other topics, such as world and Martian spatial reference systems. They are written by Clifford J. Mugnier, Louisiana State University, Fellow Emeritus ASPRS. To access the columns, visit https:\/\/
GridsDatums[grep("Norway", GridsDatums$country),]
#> country month year ISO
#> 17 The Kingdom of Norway (October) 1999 NOR
#> 226 Norway (July) 2017 NOR
GridsDatums[grep("Google", GridsDatums$country),]
#> country month year ISO
#> 201 Datum Origins with Google Earth (May) 2015 <NA>
GridsDatums[grep("^Mars$", GridsDatums$country),]
#> country month year ISO
#> 88 Mars (October) 2005 <NA>