find point pairs with equal spatial coordinates

zerodist(obj, zero = 0.0, unique.ID = FALSE, memcmp = TRUE) 
zerodist2(obj1, obj2, zero = 0.0, memcmp = TRUE) 
remove.duplicates(obj, zero = 0.0, remove.second = TRUE, memcmp = TRUE)



object of, or extending, class SpatialPoints


object of, or extending, class SpatialPoints


object of, or extending, class SpatialPoints


distance values less than or equal to this threshold value are considered to have zero distance (default 0.0); units are those of the coordinates for projected data or unknown projection, or km if coordinates are defined to be longitude/latitude


logical; if TRUE, return an ID (integer) for each point that is different only when two points do not share the same location


use memcmp to find exactly equal coordinates; see NOTE


logical; if TRUE, the second of each pair of duplicate points is removed, if FALSE remove the first


zerodist and zerodist2 return a two-column matrix with in each row pairs of row numbers with identical coordinates; a matrix with zero rows is returned if no such pairs are found. For zerodist, row number pairs refer to row pairs in obj. For zerodist2, row number pairs refer to rows in obj and obj2, respectively. remove.duplicates removes duplicate observations if present, and else returns obj.


When using kriging, duplicate observations sharing identical spatial locations result in singular covariance matrices. This function may help identify and remove spatial duplices. The full matrix with all pair-wise distances is not stored; the double loop is done at the C level.

When unique.ID=TRUE is used, an integer index is returned. sp 1.0-14 returned the highest index, sp 1.0-15 and later return the lowest index.

When zero is 0.0 and memcmp is not FALSE, zerodist uses memcmp to evaluate exact equality of coordinates; there may be cases where this results in a different evaluation compared to doing the double arithmetic of computing distances.


#>        x                y             cadmium           copper      
#>  Min.   :178605   Min.   :329714   Min.   : 0.200   Min.   : 14.00  
#>  1st Qu.:179371   1st Qu.:330762   1st Qu.: 0.800   1st Qu.: 23.00  
#>  Median :179991   Median :331633   Median : 2.100   Median : 31.00  
#>  Mean   :180005   Mean   :331635   Mean   : 3.246   Mean   : 40.32  
#>  3rd Qu.:180630   3rd Qu.:332463   3rd Qu.: 3.850   3rd Qu.: 49.50  
#>  Max.   :181390   Max.   :333611   Max.   :18.100   Max.   :128.00  
#>       lead            zinc             elev             dist        
#>  Min.   : 37.0   Min.   : 113.0   Min.   : 5.180   Min.   :0.00000  
#>  1st Qu.: 72.5   1st Qu.: 198.0   1st Qu.: 7.546   1st Qu.:0.07569  
#>  Median :123.0   Median : 326.0   Median : 8.180   Median :0.21184  
#>  Mean   :153.4   Mean   : 469.7   Mean   : 8.165   Mean   :0.24002  
#>  3rd Qu.:207.0   3rd Qu.: 674.5   3rd Qu.: 8.955   3rd Qu.:0.36407  
#>  Max.   :654.0   Max.   :1839.0   Max.   :10.520   Max.   :0.88039  
#>        om         ffreq  soil   lime       landuse       dist.m      
#>  Min.   : 1.000   1:84   1:97   0:111   W      :50   Min.   :  10.0  
#>  1st Qu.: 5.300   2:48   2:46   1: 44   Ah     :39   1st Qu.:  80.0  
#>  Median : 6.900   3:23   3:12           Am     :22   Median : 270.0  
#>  Mean   : 7.478                         Fw     :10   Mean   : 290.3  
#>  3rd Qu.: 9.000                         Ab     : 8   3rd Qu.: 450.0  
#>  Max.   :17.000                         (Other):25   Max.   :1000.0  
#>  NA's   :2                              NA's   : 1                   
# pick 10 rows
n <- 10
ran10 <- sample(nrow(meuse), size = n, replace = TRUE)
meusedup <- rbind(meuse, meuse[ran10, ])
coordinates(meusedup) <- c("x", "y")
zd <- zerodist(meusedup)
sum(abs(zd[1:n,1] - sort(ran10))) # 0!
#> [1] 489
# remove the duplicate rows:
meusedup2 <- meusedup[-zd[,2], ]
#> Object of class SpatialPointsDataFrame
#> Coordinates:
#>      min    max
#> x 178605 181390
#> y 329714 333611
#> Is projected: NA 
#> proj4string : [NA]
#> Number of points: 155
#> Data attributes:
#>     cadmium           copper            lead            zinc       
#>  Min.   : 0.200   Min.   : 14.00   Min.   : 37.0   Min.   : 113.0  
#>  1st Qu.: 0.800   1st Qu.: 23.00   1st Qu.: 72.5   1st Qu.: 198.0  
#>  Median : 2.100   Median : 31.00   Median :123.0   Median : 326.0  
#>  Mean   : 3.246   Mean   : 40.32   Mean   :153.4   Mean   : 469.7  
#>  3rd Qu.: 3.850   3rd Qu.: 49.50   3rd Qu.:207.0   3rd Qu.: 674.5  
#>  Max.   :18.100   Max.   :128.00   Max.   :654.0   Max.   :1839.0  
#>       elev             dist               om         ffreq  soil   lime   
#>  Min.   : 5.180   Min.   :0.00000   Min.   : 1.000   1:84   1:97   0:111  
#>  1st Qu.: 7.546   1st Qu.:0.07569   1st Qu.: 5.300   2:48   2:46   1: 44  
#>  Median : 8.180   Median :0.21184   Median : 6.900   3:23   3:12          
#>  Mean   : 8.165   Mean   :0.24002   Mean   : 7.478                        
#>  3rd Qu.: 8.955   3rd Qu.:0.36407   3rd Qu.: 9.000                        
#>  Max.   :10.520   Max.   :0.88039   Max.   :17.000                        
#>                                     NA's   :2                             
#>     landuse       dist.m      
#>  W      :50   Min.   :  10.0  
#>  Ah     :39   1st Qu.:  80.0  
#>  Am     :22   Median : 270.0  
#>  Fw     :10   Mean   : 290.3  
#>  Ab     : 8   3rd Qu.: 450.0  
#>  (Other):25   Max.   :1000.0  
#>  NA's   : 1                   
meusedup3 <- subset(meusedup, !(1:nrow(meusedup) %in% zd[,2]))
#> Object of class SpatialPointsDataFrame
#> Coordinates:
#>      min    max
#> x 178605 181390
#> y 329714 333611
#> Is projected: NA 
#> proj4string : [NA]
#> Number of points: 155
#> Data attributes:
#>     cadmium           copper            lead            zinc       
#>  Min.   : 0.200   Min.   : 14.00   Min.   : 37.0   Min.   : 113.0  
#>  1st Qu.: 0.800   1st Qu.: 23.00   1st Qu.: 72.5   1st Qu.: 198.0  
#>  Median : 2.100   Median : 31.00   Median :123.0   Median : 326.0  
#>  Mean   : 3.246   Mean   : 40.32   Mean   :153.4   Mean   : 469.7  
#>  3rd Qu.: 3.850   3rd Qu.: 49.50   3rd Qu.:207.0   3rd Qu.: 674.5  
#>  Max.   :18.100   Max.   :128.00   Max.   :654.0   Max.   :1839.0  
#>       elev             dist               om         ffreq  soil   lime   
#>  Min.   : 5.180   Min.   :0.00000   Min.   : 1.000   1:84   1:97   0:111  
#>  1st Qu.: 7.546   1st Qu.:0.07569   1st Qu.: 5.300   2:48   2:46   1: 44  
#>  Median : 8.180   Median :0.21184   Median : 6.900   3:23   3:12          
#>  Mean   : 8.165   Mean   :0.24002   Mean   : 7.478                        
#>  3rd Qu.: 8.955   3rd Qu.:0.36407   3rd Qu.: 9.000                        
#>  Max.   :10.520   Max.   :0.88039   Max.   :17.000                        
#>                                     NA's   :2                             
#>     landuse       dist.m      
#>  W      :50   Min.   :  10.0  
#>  Ah     :39   1st Qu.:  80.0  
#>  Am     :22   Median : 270.0  
#>  Fw     :10   Mean   : 290.3  
#>  Ab     : 8   3rd Qu.: 450.0  
#>  (Other):25   Max.   :1000.0  
#>  NA's   : 1                   
coordinates(meuse) <- c("x", "y")
zerodist2(meuse, meuse[c(10:33,1,10),])
#>       [,1] [,2]
#>  [1,]   10    1
#>  [2,]   11    2
#>  [3,]   12    3
#>  [4,]   13    4
#>  [5,]   14    5
#>  [6,]   15    6
#>  [7,]   16    7
#>  [8,]   17    8
#>  [9,]   18    9
#> [10,]   19   10
#> [11,]   20   11
#> [12,]   21   12
#> [13,]   22   13
#> [14,]   23   14
#> [15,]   24   15
#> [16,]   25   16
#> [17,]   26   17
#> [18,]   27   18
#> [19,]   28   19
#> [20,]   29   20
#> [21,]   30   21
#> [22,]   31   22
#> [23,]   32   23
#> [24,]   33   24
#> [25,]    1   25
#> [26,]   10   26