Appendix A — Older R Spatial Packages

A.1 Retiring rgdal and rgeos

R users who have been around a bit longer, in particular before packages like sf and stars were developed, may be more familiar with older packages like maptools, sp, rgeos, and rgdal. These users need to migrate existing code and/or existing R packages depending on these packages.

Packages maptools, rgdal, and rgeos retired in 2023. Retirement means that maintenance halts, and that as a consequence the packages has been archived on CRAN. The source code repositories on R-Forge will remain as long as R-Forge does itself. One reason for retirement is that their maintainer has retired, a more important reason that their role has been superseded by the newer packages. We have refrained from seeking new maintainers because much of the code of these packages has gradually evolved along with developments in the GEOS, GDAL, and PROJ libraries, and contains numerous constructs that are outdated and make it forbidding to read.

With retirement of rgeos and rgdal, existing ties that package sp had to rgdal and rgeos has been replaced by ties to package sf. This involved for example validation of coordinate reference system identifiers, and checking whether rings are holes or exterior rings. Chosen maptools functions were also be moved to sp.

A.3 Migration code and packages

The wiki page of the GitHub site for sf, found at contains a list of methods and functions in rgeos, rgdal, and sp and the corresponding sf method or function. This may help converting existing code or packages.

A simple approach to migrate code is when only rgdal::readOGR is used to read file. As an alternative, one might use

x = as(sf::read_sf("file"), "Spatial")

however possible arguments to readOGR, when used, would need more care. An effort by us is underway to convert all code of our earlier book Applied Spatial Data Analysis with R (with Virgilio Gómez-Rubio, Bivand, Pebesma, and Gómez-Rubio (2013)) to run entirely without rgdal, rgeos, and maptools and where possible without sp. The scripts are found at

A.4 Packages raster and terra

Package raster has been a workhorse package for analysing raster data with R since 2010, and has since grown into a package for “Geographic Data Analysis and Modeling” (Hijmans 2023a), indicating that it is used for all kinds of spatial data. The raster package uses sp objects for vector data, and terra to read and write data to formats served by the GDAL library. Its successor package terra, for “Spatial Data Analysis” (Hijmans 2023b), “is very similar to the raster package; but […] can do more, is easier to use, and […] is faster”. The terra package comes with its own classes for vector data, but accepts many sf objects, with similar restrictions as listed above for conversion to sp. Package terra has its own direct links to GDAL, GEOS, and PROJ, so, no longer needs other packages for that.

Raster maps, or stacks of them from package raster or terra can be converted to stars objects using st_as_stars(). Package sf contains an st_as_sf() method for SpatVector objects from package terra.

The online book Spatial Data Science with R and “terra”, written by Robert Hijmans and found at details the terra approach to spatial data analysis. Package sf and stars and several other r-spatial packages discussed in this book reside on the r-spatial GitHub organisation (note the hyphen between r and spatial, which is absent on Hijmans’ organisation), which has a blog site, with links to this book, found at

Packages sf and stars on one hand and terra on the other have many goals in common, but try to reach them in slightly different ways, emphasising different aspects of data analysis, software engineering, and community management. Although this may confuse some users, we believe that these differences enrich the R package ecosystem, are beneficial to users, encourage diversity and choice, and hopefully work as an encouragement for others to continue trying out new ideas when using R for spatial data problems, and to help carrying the R spatial flag.