11  Differential equations

11.1 Deterministic spatial dynamic models

Deterministic models are based on the assumption that the processes governing change are known. Given that knowledge, we need

  • the state of a system (initial conditions), and
  • the characteristics at boundaries of the system (boundary conditions): what are the sources and sinks, when does what escape or enter the modelled area.

for a (perfect) prediction of the changes over time, and in space. Examples of output of such models include all prediction models, weather models, and atmospheric composition models

Let us look at an example: air quality (fine particles, PM10).

Model domain

For a model, we need a model domain, which is the spatial area and temporal period over which we will define processes and conditions. This could be e.g. Western Europe, 1980-2010, or NRW, 2000-2005, or the area not further than 100 m away from the crossing Weseler Strasse-Bonhoeffer Strasse, Jan 8, 2008, 0:00-24:00. It should be exactly quantifiable/traceable.

Initial conditions

The initial conditions usually describe the variable of interest (the concentration field) at the highest possible level of detail. In our case this is the PM10 concentration field at the start of the modelling period.

As this is a continuous field, we need some way to describe this and usually the spatial domain is discretized into model usually square, rectuangular or triangular model elements.

This discretization should match the level of detail

  • at which we know initial conditions and
  • at which we want to model features.

As an example: if we want to quantify the effect of individual car fumes, spatial elements of 10 cm–1 m may work; if we want to describe the effect of a complete streets something of 10m–100m seems more appropriate. Smaller elements and time steps mean more memory and CPU time requirements.

Initial conditions-2

If we don’t know initial conditions exactly, we may put the starting point of the modelling domain further back in the past, and hope that the effect of approximation will damp out as we model. (This assumes we get the boundary conditions and processes right.)

Boundary conditions

PM10 comes and goes. Sources are (i) emissions inside the model domain (cars, households, industry), and (ii) material that enters the model domain by movement of air bodies, but emitted elsewhere. We need these source terms (points, lines or fields) in space, and over time.

Sinks are mostly air that moves out of the model domain, and wash out (rain), dry deposition (your grandmother’s white sheets turning black), and … inhalation. These terms are also needed, quantitatively.


Particles move mostly for two or three reasons: by large-scale movement of air (wind), by medium/small-scale movement of air (turbulence, dispersion) and by themselves (diffusion; think Brownian motian of a single particle in a gas).

As an example, take a look at the LOTOS-EUROS model documentation.

As you can read in the model formulation and domain, the model uses external modelling results (interpolation or mechanistic modelling) to get the atmospheric driving forces (height mixing layer, wind fields), e.g. from FUB and ECMWF.

Basically, the model code

  • reads a lot of initial and boundary data,
  • solves the differential equations and
  • writes out everything that is of interest, such as the space-time concentration fields.

Solving differential equations

The partial differential equation solved in LOTOS_EUROS is the continuity equation \[ \frac{\delta C}{\delta t} + U\frac{\delta C}{\delta x} + V\frac{\delta C}{\delta y} + W\frac{\delta C}{\delta z} \] \[ = \frac{\delta}{\delta x}(K_h \frac{\delta C}{\delta x}) + \frac{\delta}{\delta y}(K_h \frac{\delta C}{\delta y}) + \frac{\delta}{\delta z}(K_z \frac{\delta C}{\delta z}) +E+R+Q-D-W \] with (mostly quoted from the reference guide, page 6/7:

  • \(t,x,y,z\) time and the three space dimensions
  • \(C\) concentration of the pollutant (dynamic field)
  • \(U,V,W\) the large scale wind components in respectively west-east direction, in south-north direction and in vertical direction
  • \(K_h,K_z\) the horizontal and vertical turbulent diffusion coefficients
  • \(E\) the entrainment or detrainment due to variations in layer height.
  • \(R\) the amount of material produced or destroyed as a result of chemistry.
  • \(Q\) is the contribution by emissions,
  • \(D\) and \(W\) loss terms due to processes of dry and wet deposition respectively

To solve this equation, it needs to be discretized in space and time. For this particular model, the spatial grid size is 0.5 degree longitude \(\times\) 0.25 degree latitude (meaning that grid cells do not have constant area), and time step is 1h.

Solving PDE’s

The simples method to solve PDE’s by discretization is, finite difference, uses a regular mesh size, \(\Delta x\). The solution is computed at location \(j \Delta x\), with \(j=1,...,N\).

In one dimension the first derivative uses one of the three approximations:

  • backward: \[\frac{\delta u}{\delta x}(j \Delta x) \approx \frac{u_j-u_{j-1}}{\Delta x} \]
  • forward: \[\frac{\delta u}{\delta x}(j \Delta x) \approx \frac{u_{j+1}-u_{j}}{\Delta x} \]
  • centered: \[\frac{\delta u}{\delta x}(j \Delta x) \approx \frac{u_{j+1}-u_{j-1}}{2\Delta x} \] and for the second order derivative (centered): \[\frac{\delta^2 u}{\delta x^2}(j \Delta x) \approx \frac{u_{j+1}-2u_j+u_{j-1}}{(\Delta x)^2} \]

Diffusion equations, 1-D

Diffusion happens in space-time. Using a mesh in space-time, we can write \(u(j \Delta x, n \Delta t) \approx u^n_j\) with \(n\) a superscript, not power.

We can approximate the PDE \[\frac{\delta u}{\delta t} = \frac{\delta^2 u}{\delta x^2}, \ \mbox{with} \ u(x,0)=\phi(x) \]

by finite difference, in time: \[\frac{\delta u}{\delta t}(j \Delta x, n \Delta t) \approx \frac{u_{j}^{n+1}-u_{j}^n}{\Delta t}\] and space: \[\frac{\delta u}{\delta x}(j \Delta x, n \Delta t) \approx \frac{u_{j+1}^{n}-u_j^n}{\Delta x}\]

Using forward difference for \(t\) and centered for \(x\), combining both, the corresponding finite difference equation that approximates the PDE it is: \[\frac{u_j^{n+1}-u_j^n}{\Delta t} = \frac{u^n_{j+1}-2u_j^n+u_{j-1}^n}{(\Delta x)^2}.\]

Forward/backward, explicit/implicit

Solving \[\frac{u_j^{n+1}-u_j^n}{\Delta t} = \frac{u^n_{j+1}-2u_j^n+u_{j-1}^n}{(\Delta x)^2}.\] is trivial, as \(n+1\) is only in the LHS. This means that for each \(x\) we can solve the equation explicitly, where we start is not important. They require, for stable solutions, that \(\frac{\Delta t}{(\Delta x)^2} \le \frac{1}{2}\). See examples.

If the equation were instead \[\frac{u_j^{n+1}-u_j^n}{\Delta t} = \frac{u^{n+1}_{j+1}-2u_j^{n+1}+u_{j-1}^{n+1}}{(\Delta x)^2}.\] then we have the unknown \(u^{n+1}\) both left and right of the equal sign. This requires the solution of a (sparse) set of coupled linear equations, and this solution is called implicit. It pays off: the solutions are stable, and larger time steps can be chosen (provided of course, that change is close to linear over the time step).

Calibrating deterministic models

Models based on partial differential equations have parameters; think of diffusion parameters, source and sink terms (boundary conditions), and initial conditions. These need to be filled in, somehow.

Given that observation data on the model outcome are available, one way to fill these in is to search for values such that the model predictions best fit the data. We have seen methods for this; there is a long list of further, possibly more advanced or efficient methods for finding optimal parameter values, both in a deterministic (optimum) sense, and in a stochastic (distribution) sense.

Also, choosing optimality criterium (least squares? least absolute differences? combined criteria over multiple variables?)

Difficulties in calibration

Problems that may occur with calibrating models are numerous.

One problem may be that the parameter we tune (optimize) is not constant over space or time, but varies. This means that there instead of one single value, there may be numerous. Their number may outnumber the observations, and in that case there is little hope in finding realistic values.

Another problem is that we may tune a parameter and get a better fit, but that in reality we turned the wrong button, meaning we get a better fit for the wrong reason. This may have disasterous effects when using this optimized model in a prediction setting (such as future forecasting, or scenario evaluation).

Automatic codes exist (e.g. PEST, or ‘’optim’’ in R) that optimize models, irrespective what the model is or does.

More difficulties

Deterministic models use a temporal and spatial discretization. This is a balance between CPU and memory costs, and the ability to fill the discrete elements sensibly. Processes need to be lumped, meaning that they cannot be taken into account because of the grid cell size (think of convection above a forest, or a thunder storm, when grid cell size is 50 km, and/or time step a day). Choosing a finer resolution, the parameters, processes, boundary and initial values need to be filled in with much more resolution (precision), and need disaggregation – e.g. a country total emission may need to be assigned to 1 km \(\times\) 1 km grid cells.

Dynamic parameter updating schemes

A probabilistic setting of a deterministic model is that of the Kalman filter. This algorithm assumes measurements are a combination of a true state and a measurement noise. Each component has its particular error structure, expressed by a mean and covariance matrix.

For each new time step, the model predicts a new state, the observations are compared to that new state, and the model errors are used to adjust (improve) the model before predicting the next step.

Kalman filters are used a lot to optimize deterministic models, and come nowadays in many flavours, e.g. depending on whether the model is linear or not, and whether it is used forward in time, or in real-time.

Particle filters do this in a stochastic setting.

Simplified difference equation-type models

Often, the differential equations are simplified very crudely to the state where only mass is preserved, but the solution no longer approximates the true differential equation. Think of simple bucket-type models in hydrology, where water bodies are buckets and soils are like sponges: a soil grid cell drains always with an exponential decrease; a soil and water body grid cells drain instantly when their maximum capacity is exceeded, with the amount it is exceeded.

Despite the simplifications, these models can be more useful than attempts to solve the full differential equation, because their data demand can be more realistically met.

Calibration vs. validation of models

Validation of models involves assessing their validity, or value, and is a principally different activity from calibration. Where calibration is an optimization, validation is an assessment. The validation may be quantitative (“the mean square prediction error of the model is 0.75”) or qualitative (“the model is fit for its purpose”).

Validation may also involve model comparison: the comparison of different models having different model structure, and can in that sense be seen as an abstraction over calibration:

  • calibration compares the models that have identical structure, but have different parameter values
  • validation compares models that differ in structure

Model comparison, in th course, would e.g. be:

  • comparison of AR(1), AR(2), …, AR(n) to describe a particular time series
  • comparison of ordinary kriging, universal kriging with predictor \(X_1\), and universal kriging with predictor \(X_1\) and \(X_2\) for a given interpolation problem.

In this case, the models compared are nested (i.e., AR(1) is a special case of AR(2), etc), which may simplify the problem to testing the significance of the extension (is the additional parameter significantly different from zero?) If they are not nested, comparison becomes harder, conceptually.

A famous model comparison on the other end of the extreme is that of the coupled model intercomparison project, CMIP, e.g. CMIP; it involves large, international groups of climate scientists who agree, prior to the experiment, which models to compare.