2  Fitting and choosing models

2.1 Back to the temperature series

# plot data and trend:
meteo$T.per = 18.2-4.9*sin(pi*(meteo$hours+1.6)/12)

2.2 Removing the diurnal periodicity

Assuming this is a sinus function, \[\alpha_1 + \alpha_2 \sin(t + \alpha_3),\] we need non-linear regression (\(\alpha_3\))

# The following object is masked from package:datasets:
#     pressure
f = function(x) {
    sum((T.outside - (x[1] + x[2] * sin(pi * (hours + x[3])/12)))^2)
nlm(f, c(0, 0, 0)) # zero initial values
# $minimum
# [1] 108956
# $estimate
# [1] 18.2 -4.9  1.6
# $gradient
# [1] -1.60e-06 -8.90e-05  2.18e-04
# $code
# [1] 1
# $iterations
# [1] 9

We attached meteo so we can use variable names directly: f has acces to T.outside and hours, without needing them to be passed as arguments (lexical scoping). Without attaching, that would not work.

In the next part on optimization we will see what nlm does.

2.3 Temperature anomaly

plot(T.outside-T.per~date, meteo, type='l')

2.4 What can we do with such models?

  • try to find out which model fits best (model selection)
  • learn how they were/could have been generated
  • predict future observations (estimation/prediction/forecasting)
  • generate similar data ourselves (simulation)

2.5 How to select a “best” model?

A possible approach is to find the minimum for Akaike’s Information Criterion (AIC) for ARMA(\(p,q\)) models and series of length \(n\): \[AIC = \log \hat{\sigma}^2 + 2(p+q+1)/n\] with \(\hat{\sigma}^2\) the estimated residual (noise) variance.

Instead of finding a single best model using this single criterion, it may be better is to select a small group of “best” models, and look at model diagnostics for each: is the residual white noise? does it have stationary variance?

Even better may be to keep a number of “fit” models and consider each as (equally?) suitable candidates.

2.6 AIC for AR(p), and as as a function of \(p\)

n = 10
aic = numeric(n)
for (i in 1:n)
   aic[i] = arima(T.outside, c(i,0,0))$aic  # AR(i)
#  [1] -23548 -30235 -30714 -30772 -30815 -30816 -30818 -30818 -30818
# [10] -30816
plot(aic[2:10], type='l')

2.7 Anomaly AIC as a function of \(p\), for AR(p)

an = T.outside - T.per
aic_an = numeric(n)
for (i in 1:n)
    aic_an[i] = arima(an,c(i,0,0))$aic  # AR(i)
#  [1] -23995 -30320 -30843 -30885 -30945 -30944 -30952 -30958 -30956
# [10] -30955
plot(aic_an[2:10], type='l')

# Prediction, e.g. with AR(6)
x = arima(T.outside, c(6,0,0))

pltpred = function(xlim, Title) {
  plot(T.outside, xlim = xlim, type='l')
  start = nrow(meteo) + 1
  pr = predict(x, n.ahead = xlim[2] - start + 1)
  lines(start:xlim[2], pr$pred, col='red')
  lines(start:xlim[2], pr$pred+2*pr$se, col='green')
  lines(start:xlim[2], pr$pred-2*pr$se, col='green')
pltpred(c(9860, 9900), "10 minutes")

pltpred(c(9400, 10000), "110 minutes")

pltpred(c(8000, 11330), "predicting 1 day")

pltpred(c(1, 19970), "predicting 1 week")

plot(T.outside,xlim=c(1,19970), type='l')
x.an = arima(an, c(6,0,0)) # model the anomaly by AR(6)
x.pr = as.numeric(predict(x.an, 10080)$pred) 
x.se = as.numeric(predict(x.an, 10080)$se)
hours.all = c(meteo$hours, max(meteo$hours) + (1:10080)/60)
T.per = 18.2-4.9*sin(pi*(hours.all+1.6)/12)
lines(T.per, col = 'blue')
hours.pr = c(max(meteo$hours) + (1:10080)/60)
T.pr = 18.2-4.9*sin(pi*(hours.pr+1.6)/12)
lines(9891:19970, T.pr+x.pr, col='red')
lines(9891:19970, T.pr+x.pr+2*x.se, col='green')
lines(9891:19970, T.pr+x.pr-2*x.se, col='green')
title("predicting 1 week: periodic trend + ar(6) for anomaly")

x = arima(T.outside, c(6,0,0))
plot(T.pr + arima.sim(list(ar = x.an$coef[1:6]), 10080, sd = sqrt(0.002556)), 
    col = 'red', ylab="Temperature")
lines(18+arima.sim(list(ar = x$coef[1:6]), 10080, sd=sqrt(0.002589)), 
    col = 'blue')
title("red: with trend, blue: without trend")

2.8 What can we learn from this?


  • AR(6) prediction is a compromise between the end of the series and the trend
  • the closer we are to observations, the more similar the prediction is to the nearest (last) observation
  • further in the future the prediction converges to the trend
  • the more useful (realistic) the trend is, the more realistic the far-into-the-future prediction becomes
  • the standard error of prediction increases when predictions are further in the future.

2.9 A side note: fitting a phase with a linear model

A phase shift model \(\alpha \sin(x + \phi)\) can also be modelled by
\(\alpha sin(x) + \beta cos(x)\); this is essentially a re-parameterization. Try the following code:

x = seq(0, 4*pi, length.out = 200) # x plotting range

f = function(dir, x) { # plot the combination of a sin+cos function, based on dir
    a = sin(dir)
    b = cos(dir)
    # three curves:
    plot(a * sin(x) + b * cos(x) ~ x, type = 'l', asp=1, col = 'green')
    lines(x, a * sin(x), col = 'red')
    lines(x, b * cos(x), col = 'blue')
    # legend:
    lines(c(10, 10+a), c(2,2), col = 'red')
    lines(c(10, 10), c(2,2+b), col = 'blue')
    arrows(x0 = 10, x1 = 10+a, y0 = 2, y1 = 2+b, .1, col = 'green')
    title("red: sin(x), blue: cos(x), green: sum")

for (d in seq(0, 2*pi, length.out = 100)) {
    f(d, x)

So, we can fit the same model by a different parameterization:

# [1] 108956
tt = pi * hours / 12
g = function(x) sum((T.outside - (x[1]+x[2]*sin(tt)+x[3]*cos(tt)))^2)
# $minimum
# [1] 108956
# $estimate
# [1] 18.19 -4.48 -2.00
# $gradient
# [1] -0.00033 -0.00241 -0.00124
# $code
# [1] 1
# $iterations
# [1] 5

which is a linear model, identical to:

# Call:
# lm(formula = T.outside ~ sin(tt) + cos(tt))
# Coefficients:
# (Intercept)      sin(tt)      cos(tt)  
#       18.19        -4.48        -2.00

2.10 Next: how do we fit coefficients?